r that encouragement and praise will get children a lot further than criticism and punishment so be your child's best encourager rather than his fiercest critic. Encouragement helps a child link his or her self-esteem to the process, rather than the results of what they do.
shalt put responsibility where it belongs: Treat children and young people as you want them to be. If you want responsible nike air vapormax womens uk , capable children then treat them as if they are responsible. The best way to develop responsibility is to give it to children.
shalt be know that children and young people only see one side of any issue. Thou shalt take everything they say with a large grain of salt. Not that children and young people lie, but they have been known to exaggerate or see facts only from their side.
shalt show love and affection to your children. Thou shalt say you love each of your children at least once a day. Knowing they are loveable is the basis of self worth, regardless of their age.
shalt catch children and young people behaving well. Pay attention to your children's positive behaviour more than their negative behaviour. What you focus on expands so if you focus on the positive behaviour that is what you generally get. Give descriptive feedback so that your children know what they did well. E.g. ?That was great the way you two worked out the TV-watching problem without arguing. You both compromised a little which is smart.?
shalt develop independence in children from the earliest possible age. Never regularly do for a child the things he or she can do for him or herself. Remember, your job is to make yourself redundant.
shalt set limits and boundaries for children and expect that they will push against them. Children and young people need limits and boundaries as they make them feel secure.