Christians apparently are under attack these days?well those Christians who have aligned the bible with neo-conservatism anyway. And they are fighting mad. At least those who decided it was time to draw up a contract to support only those lawmakers and representatives whom abide by the ten commandments Heren Adidas Ultra Boost Schoenen Loyal Blauw Nederland , I mean ten covenantsterms of the Value's Voters Contract. This instrument, developed in the spirit of Newt's Contract With America, was the creation of forty three religious leaders, aptly called the Servant Committee, who felt it is time for Americans of Values to put their vote where their prayers are. And let it be known this was a broad spectrum of religion's brightest; why there were even four women and two rabbis in the bunch. Okay Heren Adidas Ultra Boost 4.0 Schoenen Wit-Burgundy EE3705 Nederland , so I didn't see any Catholics, at least any by title; it must have been some of the tough language on illegal immigrants that kept them away from the table. And of course there were no ... you know ... Muslims; but then again, America is God's gift to Christians; Muslims need not indulge.
The make-up of the contract drafters is interesting, especially when one considers the justification for creating this pact. It all starts with a rather startling interpretation of the most spun document ever written, The Declaration of Independence.
I hate to bore you with this but here it is again Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Schoenen Zwart Mint Groen Nederland , that one sentence that gets all the attention: ?We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.?
Here is how the gang of forty three interpreted that in the opening of their contract: ?We are citizens of the United States of America and subjects of the sovereign Creator Adidas NMD x Yeezy 350 Custom Schoenen All Wit Nederland , acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence as the Supreme Ruler and Judge of the World.
Some real slight of hand there: 'subjects of the sovereign Creator?. Geez ? where does it say we are the subjects of any Creator, let alone 'THE' sovereign Creator. In fact, the Declaration of Independence is carefully worded to say ?endowed by THEIR Creator?; acknowledging the freedom for people to have differing beliefs in whom their Creator might be. And apparently ?endowed?, as only Bible interpreters can do, implies the sovereign Creator is the Supreme Ruler and Judge of the World.
I'm already a little nervous and I haven't even gotten to the ten terms in this contract.
And here is the core reason for their angst: ?We strongly affirm our allegiance to the Constitution of the United States Dames Adidas Originals Superstar Supercolor Pack Schoenen Roze S41829 Nederland , and are moved by our faith in God to join together now to defend government of, by, and for the people against the greatest assault it has ever faced: the destruction of our Constitutionally-mandated republican form of government by judges who legislate from the bench and, thereby, subvert our liberty and our entire way of life.?
This is a summary list of the ten terms to this contract:
1. Affirm the national relationship with God by preventing ?activist judges? from ruling against public acknowledgements of God 2. Secure the national interest in the institutions of Marriage and Family by passing a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as between a man and woman only 3. Secure parental rights to the care, custody and control of their children 4. Secure Right to Life by prohibiting abortions, human cloning, and the use of human embryos for research (death penalty excluded) 5. Secure God-granted liberties by passing legislation to allow greater religious expression without penalty and support any legislation that specifically denounces the anti-family and deceptively-named ?U.N. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)? 6. Secure the God-given right to property stewardship by passing legislation to stop Government from reclaiming property as ?public use? for the purpose of taking from on individual and giving to another 7. Secure an environment of decency that is free from pornography and obscenity 8. Secure just taxes, and end immorally destructive taxation (balanced budgets optional) 9. Secure our national borders and identity (hmm ? and what identity might that be?) 10. Judges who legislate from the bench subvert the republican form of government of the people Dames Adidas Originals Superstar Slip On Trainer Peachpuff Nederland , by the people, and for the people, and threaten all these legislative aims. Therefore, we urgently call for Judicial Restraint, and an end to Judicial Activism.
Their proposition is that if the above ?value? tenants and supported identified legislation are endorsed by our political leaders [url=http://www